Delete various to any device used to CMD command | Format any device use to CMD command.


                                                What is CMD command?

Command Prompt is a Command line interpreter application available in most Windows operating system . It's used to execute entered commands. Most of those commands automate tasks via scripts and batch files, perform advanced administrative functions, and troubleshoot or solve certain kinds of Windows issues.

Command Prompt is officially called Windows Command Processor, but it's also sometimes referred to as ​the command shell or CMD prompt, or even by its filename, cmd.exe.

CMD command display
CMD command display

open your Computer search bar and search CMD after write diskpart Computer open your CMD command than you format any device following steps.

                            Format any device following these steps.

 .) _list disk 

 .) _select disk

 .) _clean

 .) _create partition primary

 .) _select partition

 .) _active 

 .) _format fs=fat32 quick

 .) _assign

 .) _exit 

    After use these steps your device is clean all

CMD command display
CMD command display


                                      CMD command work easily

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